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Protect Nature to Save living beings

 The nature is an important element of human life on this planet earth. It is the single most element that connects all the living creatures and provides means of living for then. Without the nature the life on this plant is unthinkable.

The conservation of nature refers to important human efforts to save nature from being lost. It refers to thinking of mankind where he is concerned about the safety and survival of nature. 

Nature has countless blessings on human being. All the things that make life going on this planet like water, light, seasons, atmosphere, trees and plants and other countless other things.

Since his birth, mankind has been using nature as his single mean of survival. In fact, what mankind has achieved today is made possible because of using nature and its resources. Nature has been the main reason behind the scientific and industrial progress of human being till today. Mankind has exploited all natural resources like oceans, waters, mountains, petroleum, and other resources for his own benefit.

The nature is experiencing decline by the passage of every year, due to various unchecked harmful activities of mankind. The atmosphere is being polluted by the release of contaminating and hazardous elements into it. We are witnessing the changes in the climate patterns.

There are needed concrete action from all. It is the responsibility of all the countries around the world to act meaningfully on the preservation of nature.

How is Mother Nature?

The Nature is in fact our mother. It has provided every mean of human survival here on earth. Without the role and support of nature the life cloud never have been made possible on this earth.

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#Beauty of around the nature

  Nature refers to the natural world, including all living and non-living things that exist without direct human intervention. It encompasse...