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Value of Nature

 The natural world is an incredible wonder that inspires us all. It underpins our economy, our society indeed our very existence. Our forests, rivers, oceans and soils provide us with the food we eat, the air we breathe the water irrigate our crops with. We also rely on them for numerous other goods and services we depend on for our health, happiness and prosperity.

These natural assets are often called the world's natural capital'. These benefits are also hugely important to the economy- from farming and forestry to leisure and tourism. If you add them all up, the total value of these benefits is phenomenal at least US$125 trillion every year. 

Because nature is free, we often take it for granted and overexploit it. We clear forest, overfish oceans, pollute rivers and build over wetlands without taking account of the impact this will have. By not taking into account the benefits we get from nature, we create huge social and economic costs for ourselves. 

We need to look at the value of nature in economic and social terms to help us better understand the full implications of the choices we make. Instead of making decisions based on short-term financial interests, we can look at the longer-term benefits for people and the economy and of course nature itself. Using this argument, we're persuading governments and businesses to take better care of the natural world, so that it can continue to sustain us all into the future.

"If we start to understand the value of nature to our society and economy, we will recognise the importance of living in harmony with nature, rather than destroying it for short term gain. So many governments and businesses around the world are now realising this, and starting to act it gives me real hope for the future."

Nawaz creates....

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#Beauty of around the nature

  Nature refers to the natural world, including all living and non-living things that exist without direct human intervention. It encompasse...